Monday, May 12, 2008

Snowstorm Blackout...*

Rock luminaries and neo-sadist post-grads from the school of hard knocks, easy lays. Made in America, fresh of the grill, hot off the presses and dribbling red ink. Industry towers, insipid smoke rings. River run thick w. mud & trash; total re-hash. Standing in yr. wake. Enormous weight of influence and I'm under the influence and you--have a curious way about a feline grace, could be sex appeal --could be shake appeal--maybe lust or indigestion. (mimes indiscretion). Other suggestions given in bad taste. Escapist tendency--no vacancy--emergency room tenant.

Towering stalagmites deep earth tremors and the tenor of reverberant deceit. (Sweet and Meet! Sweet, and Decorous!). Incomplete and rough-hewn window dress. Deep red arterial spray--warms yr. heart--another toxic impulse and phlegm rattle inside the cholera-blue-biled royal son--deviant house servant insolent smirk and now the milk is wasted. White white milk straight from the teat gone sour, gone sour. in a quarter of an hour. that's the one. sullies me 'n' you. that's the milk of human kindness.

etc, etc.

*tx J.


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