Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Nick Drake

Nick Drake is the fucking man!

If I were you I'd buy every little release of his that you can lay your hands on. He was such a talent: the kind of phenomenal artist of which there are only a handfull per generation.

Five Leaves Left is jazz plus enchanted forest folk, including the mind-blowing "Riverman" and "Man in a Shed"

Bryter Layter is an attempt at commercial success, which usually has negative consequences, but not in Nick Drake's case. "Fly" and "Northern Sky" are my two personal favorites.

Pink Moon is brilliant all the way through. From the opening title track to the closer, "From the Morning," the album for me is the epitome of honest expression. The raw emotion and pain that is contained in the songs can at times be unsettling and even disturbing, but it's so refreshing to hear, like a good John Lennon song.



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