Saturday, August 12, 2006

What is that fucking Pringles smell??

I just had a thought:

Sometimes life feels like a tragic comedy that you're constantly playing out. I mean, I guess that's a pretty common thought and not too original an analogy, but doesn't it really seem like that sometimes? Especially in retrospect. Certain things just seem ridiculous to me when I look back on them. It's like everyday I wake up and I have this restless urge to do something that will make my personal tragicomedy a little more interesting to my mysterious reader(s).

Maybe God made us for entertainment. Maybe he's sat up there in his library reading our life stories 'cause there's nothing better to do with your time when your an all-powerful diety (and you've done everything there is to do, presumably).

I'm anticipating the start of the school year and departure of my friends to their respective institutions of higher learning. I'm super pumped to form my own band and write and record album number 2 (and finish no. 1, let's not forget that). The city's starting to beckon me, and I think I'm about ready to dive back in.



My dad once told me he had an essay prompt in school when he was a boy: "Sartorial Eloquence is Mere Exhibitionism." Discuss.


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