Monday, August 14, 2006

The Kinks

Now, having spent my adolescence growing up in the southern US, I was introduced to The Kinks by way of Van Halen's audacious cover of "You Really Got Me." I liked the cover as a kid, but when I got older and my tastes changed, the cerebral overload of Eddie Van Halen's shredding began to wear on me.

Then during the Summer a couple of years ago my family and I were in England for a few days visiting family, and I bought a copy of Uncut. Like a lot of zines these days, the issue featured a mix CD, which happened to include a track by The Kinks called, "The Village Green Preservation Society." The pompous title stuck with me and I made a mental note to listen a little harder when I got to that track.

What I heard was some of the most colorful, charming songwriting to grace my ears. This was nothing like the hard-hitting r&b of "You Really Got Me," this was tongue-in-cheek, campy music that playfully flicked off anyone who ever took themselves too seriously. Check out these lyrics:

"We are the office block condemnation affinity.
God save little shops,
China cups and virginity."


"We are the skyscraper condemnation affiliate.
God save Tudor housing,
Antique tables and billiards."

Are not those some of your favorite lyrics ever? They should be.

Now, I'm not a Kinks Kompletist, but I would say that their album The Kinks are the Village Green Preservation Society is a crucial component to any record collection. Songs like "Picture Book" and "Sitting by the River Side" are pure pop in its most gloriously radiant form.

Ray Davies is the principle songwriter of the Kinks, and he is a badass. The guy was shot a couple of years ago while being mugged with his girlfriend in New Orleans or something, and apparently he didn't even go down--he fucking chased after the assailant until he (presumably) could no longer continue due to his injuries. He just came out with a solo record called Other People's Lives.

Check out the Kinks.

Recommended songs:

"Do You Remember Walter?" from The Village Green Preservation Society
"Waterloo Sunset" from The Ultimate Kinks Collection
"Dedicated Follower of Fashion" from The Ultimate Kinks Collection
"Tired of Waiting" from The Ultimate Kinks Collection



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